Effie Dennison is Executive Vice President, Head of Community Development and Corporate Responsibility for Texas Capital Bank. In this capacity, Dennison oversees the bank’s long-term strategic investments and community relations activities across all Texas Capital Bank Texas markets. 

Dennison is also President of Texas Capital Community Development Corporation (CDC), a wholly owned subsidiary of the bank with direct oversight of the bank’s $1.4 billion in community lending goal and $360 million investment goal in various real estate funds, and private equity funds for small and mid-size businesses as well as investments with Minority Deposit Institutions. In 2021, Texas Capital Bank’s total community impact lending equated to $4.3 billion for the year, which helped create over 1,000 affordable housing units, 1,014 new jobs, 60,240 small-business loans, and 127 beds at homeless shelters. 

Dennison also has direct oversight of Texas Capital Bank’s employee engagement and charitable donations, averaging over 10,000 volunteer hours and $2 million annually to nonprofit organizations under the bank’s philanthropic pillars of Live, Learn, and Lift. Under her leadership, Texas Capital Bank has received numerous recognitions across all markets for its community engagement and strategic investments. Most recently, the bank was awarded the Corporation of the Year Award, presented by Asset Funders Professional (AFP) Network and D CEO magazine’s 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Award. 
Dennison has more than 30 years of experience in banking and financial services. Prior to joining Texas Capital Bank, Dennison served in executive roles at Fannie Mae and Wells Fargo Bank. Dennison also has a long, exceptional history of giving back in her community and has served on numerous nonprofit boards, leading fundraising efforts and capital campaigns. She currently serves on the Texas Banker’s Association Board as well as the boards and executive committees of Texas Women’s Foundation, Parkland Foundation, VNA/Meals on Wheels, and Genesis Women’s Shelter Domestic Violence Alliance Board. Dennison is also a member of the Executive Women of Dallas, the Dallas Summit, the Charter 100, the International Women’s Forum, and the Links Incorporated, Dallas Chapter. 

Dennison has been recognized for her outstanding leadership and work in the community and advocacy for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, particularly pertaining to financial services. Most recently, Dennison was the recipient of the Dallas Business Journal’s Minority Business Leader Community Advocate Award and Anthem Strong Families Hero Award. She is also a past recipient of the Texas Women’s Foundation Women Helping Women Maura Award; Southern Methodist University Women’s Symposium Profiles in Leadership Award; and Texas Executive Women, Women on The Move Award.  

Dennison is a native Texan and proud graduate of Dallas Baptist University with a Bachelor of Arts and Science.


Effie Dennison

Event Chair